Sunday, February 16, 2014

Determined for Change

Getting hit by reality is not uncommon for me. I think it applies to everyone, although whether or not you respond to it determines the importance of it. But how to confront reality? Well, before physically going all out on it, take a step back.. absorb your surrounding and no I'm not referring to what's obviously in front of you, but more of a realization of you at that exact moment at that very spot you're in, all that you have encountered and fought through to get to where you are now, no matter what path it may have led you, just absorb it all in...
The next step, strive for change. You may think all is well and change is unnecessary,  but the truth is you've got to change, why else would reality strike? The goal may be the same everytime like changing to a better you, you're not doing it wrong, you're just doing it one step at a time.. My reality, this time, is to grow up. Leave everything aside and just grow up...

Saturday, February 15, 2014


I find myself looking into mirrors more than others. Or at least stare at it differently than others do. I mean, you stand there looking to see if your hair is done well, if you've got a zit on your forehead, or even admire yourself after dressed and looking your best. But for me, I stand there looking deeply in, focused completely, staring at the beast staring back at me. His thoughts are mine, and my actions are his. I know nothing of him, yet he knows everything about me. He mocks me, and I feel paralyzed.. Yet he's always there with me. Judging me? Correcting me? I can't tell. I just know he understands me better than anyone including myself...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wet Day

I left home early morning to drop my sis off to school. Usually at this time the sky would brighten up and that morning scent would surf the air around. But instead, dark clouds had covered the sunlight from passing through and the smell of rain lurked the streets.
Light drops of rain  as we head towards her school. Once I dropped her off, not long after making a move I could feel the air getting colder and it was obvious the rain was increasing. As I passed the airport, that's when the rain showered down hard, I had my wipers on high just to get a chance to see the road infront of me that's covered in the mist. Soon after that I reached home safely..
The ride was intense being in a sedan, but I enjoyed experiencing that by myself. A great day plus my car got a free wash.. :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Job Hunt

Looking for a job to apply for isn't simple. Whether it's a part time job or permanent, the process remains somewhat the same. I got to balance it with college timings and my free time. The job shouldn't require much effort and it should be reasonably fair. I don't know where will I find it. Hopefully I sort it out soon, I want to start saving up for many things, of which a trip to Poland in the summer and generally provide another source of income at home.
I've got a number to call later on to find out some information he's got relating to getting a job. Until then, fingers crossed...

Monday, February 10, 2014


I couldn't sleep yesterday and had to leave home by 6 am to avoid the traffic. The good thing is I wouldn't miss a class, the bad though would mean waiting an hour until class starts. After that I headed home to get some rest just to wake up and realize I'm awfully late. Even though the place is a good 15 minutes if you step on it. I got back home to chill but only for a while since I've got college tomorrow morning.
I don't mind the constant long drive, however I become extremely tired and dead exhausted.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


After a good night sleep. I woke up feeling a bit better with the world. An odd joy to move me throughout the day. After finishing work and driving for half an hour to head back, I was exhausted and wanted to relax. So I picked up my acoustic guitar, which I named TeeJay,  to play some songs that I liked. I'm not great with it, I usually strum chords. But still, I love the sound of it.
Anyways, something to know about me. I, along with others, would say in general I'm a happy guy. Nothing pulls me down unless I let it so. I realized that a while back and I love that about me. I feel different, in a good way.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Feeling Forgotten

I really dont know where all went wrong.. but I believe it all began after graduating high school. The friends I once had are no longer with me.. Not that they've passed away but it seems we've grown apart.
I used to complain about having too many different groups of friends and that I need to focus on just one.. But now, it feels like I don't have any.. no close friends, nor true friends, not even best friends. People I knew and cared for are ignoring me (I feel it) but I dont have a clue what I did wrong. If only I could go back in time and maybe be a different kind of guy...